Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Redscout Presents SPUR Episode 4: The Client’s Relationship With Planning. Is Planning Handicapped By “Advertising”?

Our first three episodes looked at how planners see planning and how the industry sees planning. In our fourth episode, we explore clients’ relationship with planning and how the craft is valued overall.

Clients are getting what they want from agencies, but are clients getting what they need from planners? What are they paying for and what are they getting? We also ask the question, is the value of planning limited by what advertising or communications inherently provides? To a hammer, is everything a nail?

Simple questions that cut to the core of the traditional agency model. All agree that the potential is to go further upstream and truly impact a Client’s business. And that, somehow, planning may be trapped within a potentially out-dated and self-perpetuating model.

via: PSFK & Redscout's SPUR video series exploring the intersection of brands, strategy, innovation and the world of account planning.

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